Thursday, November 11, 2010

Grantham Fam Fun

McKay was a tiger! He loved the costume, but every time I tried to paint his little nose black-he would tip his head back and open his mouth, so he could eat the lipstick!!

He has this funny smile now-where he scrunches up his nose and squits his eyes-it's pretty cute! Any time he sees the camera, he busts it out!

Happy 25th Birthday Josh!!
I threw him a surprise party in Vegas-it was so good to get together with family and friends and PAR-TAY!!
Love ya Birthday Boy!!
McKay's new favorite thing now is swings. He absolutely loves it, so we go to the park almost every day. Too bad we're running out of warm days...:(

1 comment:

The Calico Crew said...

I love McKay's new grin (of course I never really saw the "old" one too much!) What a good wife to celebrate Josh's b-day the way you did. Happy belated b-day, Josh.