Friday, February 27, 2009

a new post!

So things have been crazy at the Grantham's house...s. :) We finally got all moved in and are trying to get back into the swing of things! We are so excited to be in a house and believe it or not we already had enough to fill it! The only stuff we had to buy for this new house was 3 garbage cans and a shower curtain. ...."you might have too much stuff if...." you move from a one bedroom apartment into a three bedroom house and can fill it up!!! Anyways, we are sad to leave our awesome ward but are also excited to make new friends in a new ward. This Sunday will be our first week!!

My Mom, and sisters Heid and Hil came down last Monday to see our new house. Of couse we made time for shopping and had lunch at our favorite pizza place--BJ's!

***I hafto include some valentine details because my husband is so dang cute! We actually planned to move into our house on Valentines so he decided to celebrate early. He sent me flowers at work on Thursday (Feb. 12) then surprised me and took me to see the show KA on the strip that night! It was amazing!! He pretty much is the sweetest guy ever---Love your face babe!!


Anonymous said...

Glad that you guys are settled into the house. I wish I got a chance to see it. Thanks for coming and hanging out today.. it was super fun!! We are going to miss you guys so much. You are the best and we expect a trip to Montana to be planned sooN!!

Jake and Chantel said...

Super fun!!.. You'll have to post some pictures of your new house with furniture in it now. AND ... we really need to come down and visit. stay the weekend and chill. i know, i know.. we'll make it happen. just you wait!! :) love ya. keep in touch!

The Grantham Family said...

So sweet Joshie for V-day! I wanna see your house...where is the picture tour??

Glad you are moved in and settled and that we will have a place to crash. What? You said it was the "Grantham house!" That would be us, right!??

HammondFam said...

Hey Lex, it's Nicole Hammond (we met at Sarah and Cori's house). Your blog is great! I didn't know you guys moved out of the ward. Where did you move, and what ward are you in now?

KT Bundy said...

I found you at last!!!!! I found you off of lindsey's blog! How are you doing? We never see you anymore! Hope your loving life! MIss ya!

kristen said...

hey congrats on getting a new place thats awsome!! Hey i have a blog now!! I would love to add you!!