Tuesday, March 24, 2009

*another past due update*

I'm not very good at keeping our blog up to date but here are some pictures from the past few weeks. In reverse order....

This past weekend, Josh wanted to have a little "get away" (Surprise) night..so...he told me to pack for the night and we headed down to..... (yes, drumb roll...)...The Strip...and had the "true Las Vegas" experience. We checked into the Westin Hotel (just off the strip) and toured/shopped the strip after a yummy dinner @ P.F. Changs. Of course I got to order room service for breakfast the next morning and we even went out to the pool for a few hours!! It was so fun--I have the sweetest hub ever!!

*Our Hotel*

Since we moved into our house, we haven't had much chance to really do anything with the backyard. When we moved in, it was just dirt, but a guy came over and poured a little patio and put in some rock and four whole pavers! So, this last weekend (after our little get away) Josh put up our swing and I went out and got flowers!! I'm so excited to finally have a cute little backyard now!!!!



A couple weeks ago my romantic hub took me out to Lake Las Vegas for the evening. We love going out there and just walking around ... maybe even hitting up Rocky Mtn. Choc. Factory or getting some gelato. (Always gotta have food!!)

Also within the past month, some of our good friends--Cory and Sara Smith--our saturday night gamers bailed and moved to Montana!! We had one last chance to tell them goodbye out at the races at their little race-car booth!! Of course we did peek inside and watch the cars for a minute or two. Oddly enough, I have been to Nascar THREE times in my life! None of which I have ever paid for....and...probly never would.
But hey! It makes for an entertaining saturday occasionally :)
so totally me! lol

Yep that about sums up our lives over the past few weeks!! We are loving being in a house--and yes at some point I will post more pictures of the house now that we are all moved in. ...eventually!


Katasha Lyn said...

Lex, it looks like you guys are having fun down there! You seem really happy :) Glad you're doing well!

Christy said...

That sounds like so much fun!What a great surprise!You're back yard looks great. It must be nice to be settled in. We totally have to hang out some time.

Sarah and Cory Smith said...

Fun pictures of the NASCAR race. I am so glad you guys came. Josh has scored some major points lately. He is very romantic. That is awesome!! Miss you guys. We haven't had a single game night here. LAME!

Jake and Chantel said...

WOW!... and you say we have a lot of fun, look at you guys. always out in town, playing and having a gay ol time. :) Well, good for you guys.

p.s. I love your blonde hair again. :)

Cade+Sierra+Averlin said...

I found you!! :) k, you have the CUTEST house! I want one! You guys make the cutest couple too.. It looks like you are having a blast down in vegas. We miss you tons around the office!

The Harrisons said...